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Ministry of Evangelism and Children's Education

We started a recent Thursday morning with a video call with Pastor Hermann who leads our partner ministry for family stabilization in Gabon. Pastor Hermann doesn’t speak much English and we speak very little French, but we came together to pray and fast throughout the day for funding and provision for the programs he has planned for 2024. It is such an incredible gift to experience prayer and partnership across the world like this. We ask that you all pray with us for the provision of this program that God is using to reach so many for Christ.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. - Philippians 4:6

The family stabilization program is called MINE in Gabon and stands for Ministere de L’évangélisation et de l’enseignement des enfants (Ministry of Evangelism and Children’s Education). This program focuses on villages outside of Libreville with large concentrations of unstable families. Many of these families have children who are at risk of maltreatment, with a high percentage of young single mothers. Stabilizing families is critical because these interventions prevent more children from becoming abandoned, and also improve their family relations. Our partners are passionate about protecting children and sharing the Gospel at each event. They have a team of volunteers, including psychologists, social workers, medical professionals, and general volunteers who serve families and share the Love of Christ with them.

We would love for you to read more about this program and the difference the team in Gabon is making here. According to the facilitators of one of the recent workshops, several children admitted to having been physically, psychologically, and verbally abused by parents and guardians. It is so difficult to read, but some children reported being physically abused by knives, machetes, and other means. For many, these violent acts have left scars both emotionally and physically. MINE works with these children and parents teaching them how God cares for His children and how to take better care of their own families.

You can learn more about our financial needs for this program here. The video here shows some of the most recent work Pastor Hermann and his team are doing to serve families in the villages of Gabon. It is a great overview of the ministry. We continue to be amazed by all God is doing through this program, and we are so thankful for those of you who support this program regularly.

We are currently a volunteer-led organization with no paid staff. However, we continue to see God provide in miraculous ways at the right time, and we place our trust in Him. We are honored to serve and volunteer to continue this ministry, but we can’t do this without financial support for our programs. Today, we ask that you prayerfully consider giving to this program, or our organization in general.

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