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Gabonese Woman

As we enter into the season of thanksgiving, we thank you for your support throughout 2021. We thank God for how our programs continue, despite our inability to be involved on the ground right now. Since our programs are locally-led and driven, they continue to make progress and reinforce the importance of Africans leading African programs.

Through your support so far this year, we have funded all but one of our causes for 2021. You gave so generously to the malnutrition program, that we are not in need of any more funds. We have enough to get through the next year at least. You funded scholarships for three staff members at Nebobongo Hospital to get further education to help the hospital. We raised enough to pay for mobility cart distribution in Gabon and had medical associates in our network fund ten new oxygen machines for Nebobongo Hospital as their current ones fail due to overuse from Covid. We are beyond thankful for all that you have done.

We are focusing the rest of the year on two things: Hope and Life Clinic in Gabon and general funds to allow us to move into 2022 stronger, as the last two years have been tougher on our overall budget.

HIV Hope The Hope and Life Clinic in Gabon

This year we awarded a grant to our partner HIV Hope to outfit and open a brand new medical facility in the heart of Libreville. The clinic now offers high-quality primary care, OB/GYN, and laboratory services to the general public. The mission of the Hope and Life clinic is to utilize its revenue and facilities to provide free medical care for HIV/AIDS-positive kids. The profit from the clinic will cover the cost of care for the children including the crucial quarterly lab tests the kids need to continue receiving their antiretroviral drugs provided by the government. Once the clinic is well established, it will provide a sustainable, long-term, and local solution for the children, as well as serve medical needs in the community. The goal is to provide hope for a healthy life and future for the kids while providing an opportunity to share the love of Jesus and the hope of the Gospel on an ongoing basis. Many of these children are already in our HIV Hope food program where they receive nutritional food each month from HIV Hope.

Due to significant obstacles and delays from the Gabonese Ministry of Health during the licensing process, the cost of opening the clinic has exceeded our contingencies. We are still looking to raise approximately $8,300 to cover the clinic operations expenses for the first few months as they ramp up patient care. You can learn more on our cause page linked above.

“Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Giving Tuesday is 11.30.21
Last year for #GivingTuesday, we asked you all to give of yourselves in your communities as our nation battled Covid. This year, we want to encourage you to continue to care for those around you as life continues to be hard for many. We also would love for you to consider our neighbors around the world who are hurting and who do not know the love of Christ. We pray that God will lead you to where your gifts should go this year, and ask that you consider E4 Project for Giving Tuesday and your year-end giving.

Gabonese Woman
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