God’s Perfect Provision
I love this quote above from George Müller as it describes exactly how we have seen God move when there was nothing left that we could humanly do. When you get to the point where you need God to show up in miraculous ways, all the glory goes to God when He does. There is no mistaking His power. He is so good. His words ring true. “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7. Although we do not always understand why God works the way He does, we have the assurance that despite going through a painful process the last few months, He is still good and always will be. We want to testify to His goodness by sharing just a few of the ways we have seen Him answer prayers, provide above and beyond our expectations and going before us making our paths straight.

Below are just a few ways we have seen God working in the past two months. We also thank everyone who has participated with financial support as you all are being used by God for His plans.
  • Our prayers for funding for specific programs have been answered through donors
    • Persecuted Christians in Pakistan fund is 100% funded
    • Pakistan Sewing Program Phase One is 100% funded
    • Nebobongo Hospital Medical Debt Forgiveness Program has received enough funds to cover the full amount we have committed for the next three months
    • We welcomed two new board members to our team, Morgan Behrens and Matt Carter. You can read more about them here.
  • Operational funds, while still low, have been enough to provide for our expenses
  • The Family Stabilization Program held their back to school event to assist poor family with needed supplies and assess families’ needs and risk in Gabon
  • The first graduating class of our Pakistan sewing training program was held in mid-October
  • We continue to fund our ongoing monthly programs as long as reporting and transparency remain in place from program leaders
Pakistan Sewing Center

First Graduates at Sewing Training Program in Pakistan
Our partners at Messiah Ministries held the first graduation for our sewing training program in Youngsonabad, Pakistan. The photos here show the young women who graduated from the six-month program, were gifted a sewing machine, and can now earn income from home. Our next class of women will start soon in a neighboring village. We praise God that these young Christian and Muslim women were taught new skills, while also hearing the Gospel message weekly. Some of the women have already started working and earning an income to help their families. With phase one funded, we will continue to raise funds for future training programs

MINE Family Stabilization

Family Stabilization Program Update
In Gabon, the family stabilization program had its annual back-to-school event in the village of EDOUM-ASSI, about 18 miles outside the capital city of Libreville, Gabon. The team shared the Gospel with the families as they visited homes ahead of time and then again at the distribution event. They also assessed families to ensure the children were in safe living conditions and taught about child abuse. They aim to keep families together and educate them before problems arise within a family setting.

The team delivered school kits to 140 children, and 70 more kits for neighboring villages will be distributed shortly. Through this program and the presentation of the Gospel message, 63 people made decisions to trust in the saving knowledge of Christ as their Lord and Savior! We are so thankful for our leaders doing Kingdom work in Gabon. Our partners have identified this particular community to focus on and have been blessed to see a church planted due to their previous involvement with outreach. The village was mostly animistic before our partners first visited a year ago. We will share more soon about individual stories, but school fees were also paid for children in need, and people were counseled, listened to, and prayed with at the home visits.

From the Blog: Trust and Obey - Eric Schmidt
In the two books of 1 and 2 Kings, there are 32 kings in both the northern and southern kingdoms and only eight (25%) of them actually chose obedience in their reign over God’s children. Read More...
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