Engage with E4
Engage your spirit. When Jesus saw a situation that needed additional resources (Matthew 9:36-37) His first response was to encourage prayer. At E4, we pray weekly for the needs of our partners and our team, but we need more people to take up the call to prayer on behalf of our partners and team.
Engage your resources. There is a temptation to believe that the problem of poverty is so overwhelming that we can’t make any difference. But that is simply not true. Even one person’s resources can make a real difference no matter the size of the gift. E4 Project can only accomplish what we do through faithful people like you who generously partner with us. To see the timely needs of our partners please review our Cause Page.
Engage your voice. In addition to praying it is also impactful to be an advocate for this work to your peers, small group, church or your organization. The first “E” in our process is to Educate fellow believers about how we can accomplish this work together. You can join us in this effort by introducing us to new supporters. A simple and easy way to start is by simply sharing our newsletters and Facebook posts with others. You can sign up for the newsletter in the footer of the page.
Engage yourself. Giving is important, strategic and ultimately necessary, but there is also so much more to do than giving. There are ways to serve where you live and with our partners in Gabon and Congo.